About SOBE


Who We Are.

We are a passionate team dedicated to your professional growth and development in the dynamic field of dentistry. Our mission is simple yet meaningful: we aim to empower you, not only with the cutting-edge knowledge but also with the confidence you need, to perform and excel in sophisticated dental procedures that once seemed beyond your grasp. We're here to help you unlock your full potential and become the extraordinary dental healthcare provider you've always aspired to be.

What We Do.

We offer a comprehensive range of continuing education courses specifically tailored for dental professionals. Each of our courses is meticulously crafted to enrich your professional knowledge and expertise, enabling you to earn valuable continuing education credits commensurate with the hours you dedicate. Our programs span across a variety of dental specializations, ensuring you have the opportunity to delve deeper into the areas you are most passionate about.


How We Do it

Our approach is a harmonious blend of rigor, engagement, and fulfillment. We believe in learning through active participation and our courses are designed to be immersive, challenging, yet deeply rewarding. As a student of SoBe Dental, you can anticipate a comprehensive blend of lecture-based learning, practical hands-on experiences, and live patient interactions. We acknowledge that every learner is unique and so we offer both lecture-only courses and hybrid courses, providing a balanced mix of theory and practice. Whether you're just starting in your dental career or are an experienced practitioner, SoBe Dental is committed to fostering your growth every step of the way.
